"I know in today's game you also need a player's signature, and I said, 'well let's get the sheet signed (by Nylander),'" said Lowe.Can this please end now?
According to Lowe, [Nylander's agent Mike] Gillis said his client was exhausted and asked if he could sign in the morning. Lowe agreed but says he never got a signed sheet back from the player. Instead, Nylander signed in Washington Monday afternoon.
UPDATE: There's a bit more here, including this:
Lowe said he called Caps GM George McPhee.
"He told me he got a call from the player and cited the Mike Vernon judgment that a player is not signed until he's signed."
I was all set to shoot my version of Fantastic Four 2: Rise of the Internet-Porn Surfer and I had a gentlemen's agreement with Jessica Alba to appear in the film. According to her agent, his client was exhausted and asked if she could sign in the morning. I agreed but never got a signed sheet back from the actress. Instead, Alba signed to do that other sequel.
i can sue right?
P.S. Thanks for running this site. It's invaluable.
snktimoniuz: no, but you are obviously owed a compensatory film, either from Alba herself or by the MPAA.
Kevin Lowe is a former NHL player, not an MBA.
GMGM is a former NHL player and a JD - just because one played in the League doesn't necessarily make one a dolt.
anyone else feel like singing Lil' Jon's "Get Low" everytime they read Kevin Lowe's name?
I don't even like the song but feel compelled to sing it. bleh.
game over, in any case.
Guess I'm old - if there's a song that comes to mind for me, it's "Low" by Cracker.
oooh, good call on Cracker.
Agreed JP, but Kevin Lowe is actively flunking Biz 101. And he failed Asset Management 101 last year in the Pronger deal.
Like being stoned?
Agreed JP, but Kevin Lowe is actively flunking Biz 101. And he failed Asset Management 101 last year in the Pronger deal.
Not only that, but he's now saying (I believe) that had they known the cap was going to go up as much as it did, they would have re-signed Ryan Smyth.
1) The Oilers/Lowe may have been screwed by Nylander/his agent, BUT:
a) From what we've read/heard The Caps are not implicated in any of these possible shenanigans, so 'compensation' from the Caps should NOT be an issue!
b) If Nylander never signed, then Lowe can cry/moan all day, it sucks and was bad business, but is NOT binding.
c) Part of all these ministrations by Lowe is for domestic consumption. He has to let his fan base see/hear that he IS trying to improve the team. Since his draft day trade fell through, he's been a man on a mission/desperate.
There's a pretty good run-down in the Edmonton Sun Here.
Lowe needs to be careful, or else GMGM will punch him a la Lorne Molleken.
Still maybe my favorite GMGM memory.
ok, since I am a noob I need some info...
what was the situation with Mike Vernon? and
what was the situation with GMGM punching someone?
According to a Calgary message board: "the clause that enforces the supremacy of the Standard Players Contract is informally known as the 'Mike Vernon Rule.' Vernon had had a pending contract with a team (not the Flames) when they backed out. It went to arbitration and Vernon lost."
As for GMGM and Lorne Molleken, read about it here.
Thanks, JP.
"McPhee, who according to the Post emerged from the scrum with a cut on his face and a sleeve torn off his suit coat"
Oh. My. God.
GMGM is my hero.
"I'm upset George didn't tell us he was doing that," Wilson told the Post. "Because I think you would have seen the whole (coaching) staff march down there."
Now that would have been epic.
Off-topic surprise: Souray is still unsigned.
I have read from two sources that Souray will be announced as a NJ Devil in the next 24 hours.
If Souray signs with the Devil, hell hath frozen over.
Am I right?
Not necessarily - after all, Lou Lamoriello drafted Souray.
tim hunter would have done some serious damage in that scrum, army not so much
I still love the fight GM had with Scott Stevens. He had Stevens so pissed I think he got an extra 10 min. I'll give him that, he won't step down from anyone.
The "5 foot, 9 inch thundercrack named George McPhee takes on all comers in his brief NHL career."
YouTube buffet here.
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