What do you think of ice girls and cheerleaders in hockey arenas?While we at The Rink have certainly enjoyed other teams' use of bare midriff-ed young ladies as an attempt to sell hockey tickets and rile up fans, it was always with a certain sense of mocking pleasure. "Look at what these rubes in the South have to do to keep their fans' attention." Never did I think that the Caps would stoop to such a level.
Though Washington hasn't yet been blessed with a Stanley Cup, there is a 30+ year old tradition of hockey here that doesn't include bubbly blondes (other than when Brendan Witt bleached his hair). If people aren't coming to Caps games, it's not because they've been waiting for the team to add a dance squad.
Further, D.C. is as sophisticated and educated a city as you'll find. Manhattan's Rangers don't have ice girls - Long Island's Islanders do. See where I'm coming from?
Finally - and I guess this is the underlying theme here - to me it comes down to what type of franchise you want to model yourself after. Sure, I'm jealous of Carolina's Stanley Cup. But I'm more jealous of Montreal's tradition. Of course I'd like to see the Caps fill a building like Tampa does. But I'd rather see it filled with fans like they have in Edmonton.
To Mr. Leonsis I'd say this: make two lists, one of the teams that have ice girls/cheerleaders and one of the teams that don't. Then think about which list you'd rather see the Caps on.
One last thing. I of course understand that sex sells (though I doubt anyone has ever bought a hockey ticket because of the cute brunette that cheers for Section 111), so I feel I have to add this: if you must have ice girls, make sure they're real hot.
Well, the Canucks have ice girls that come out and clean the ice. It's no big deal, and there's no huge outcry. The ladies have very fine asses, and it gives ya something to look at during long TV timeouts.
Cheerleaders? Now, that's SO European.
I have no problem with the idea. Heck, it'll be a dozen more people in the Verizon Center. We need every body we can get in that building.
The gold standard in hockey cheerleading remains the Hurricanes' Storm Squad - 14 skinny white girls and a fat black guy. Not quite the Laker Girls but better than the skanks in the isles at the WJC.
We're going to see ice bims in Florida this weekend. We'll see how entertaining they are.
I take it this is what you mean, Jes?
ajajajjaaa, the Pardubice Ice girls..about the only redeeming thing about that craphole
Gee Any consideration given to having Ice Boys for a more inclusdive audience?
Gee Any consideration given to having Ice Boys for a more inclusdive audience?
I don't think the NAMBLA demographic is really one worth targeting. :)
I think it gives the ladies a great opportunity to make an impression in the NHL, especially those who are avid hockey fans themselves. We’ve got to keep in mind that hockey isn’t just a man’s sport ;) If they’re beautiful and talented, why not keep them around the Rink to appease some fans?
Brashear is a sad sad player. I wonder if he stopped by a local teen hangout last night and picked a fight with some other teenagers as they were wrapping up their evening. What was he thinking going after a #4 with less than 2 minutes left, did he need to feel like he actually contributed in the game and the only thing he could do was go after an 18 yr old rookie in his first ever game? Sad, he should quit and get a clue.
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