In less concerning news, the New Jersey Star Ledger reports that Dainius Zubrus has been dropped to the second line in Jersey. The phrase "look out below" comes to mind (as does the far less-widely used "you paid $20.4 million for that?").
UPDATE (12:28): Semin is out for the weekend and Jakub Klepis is on the verge of signing with Hershey.
I'm not sure why everyone's so surprised Semin's still out. Yeah, it's a minor injury in the grand scheme of things but it's important for it to heal.
It's very easy to aggravate the injury, especially when you're an athlete.
It could take in upwards of 3-4wks for it to heal and since it sounds as if he re-aggravated it, who knows how much longer it will take. The key is to get him to rest as much as possible so that the recovery time lessens instead of trying to push the injury.
I couldn't agree more - just providin' the update.
I don't understand why the Caps rushed him back into the lineup in weekend one, into a stretch of three games in 66 hours. If they'd waited he'd have gotten a whole extra week of rest.
I think that's the real question (with 20/20 hindsight), and I'm sure the answer is that Sasha said he was ready to go.
I'm also sure the answer is that the organIzation is feeling top-to-bottom pressure to make the playoffs. So much so that it rushed a guy back in Week One.
I disagree - they're smart enough to know that a few games without Alex Semin is better for their playoff aspirations than a few weeks (or more) without him.
Playa wanted to play - he's gotta better his bargaining position for that new deal, y'know.
I'd imagine you're right about Semin wanting to play... but GH and GMGM didn't have to listen to the player. Their judgment is supposed to be all about the big picture and all the other usual sports-related metaphors.
And I have to believe his itch to play will only increase as more goals are scored by Kozlov and Ovechkin, Nylander and Backstrom.
Zubrus is funny, I cant believe NJ paid that much for him. His stats were overinflated due to the Ovechkin factor.
>>>"Their judgment is supposed to be all about the big picture and all the other usual sports-related metaphors."
It's a sprained ankle, not something that is obvious to evaluate without the patient's input. If Semin was able to put weight on it without trouble and he's says it was fine, then the team doc has to take him on his word.
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