I figured it was time to buy some real estate, so I started house hunting this weekend and saw
this one on the market. It may be out of my price range, but what the hell, right? My only question is why the owners are selling so soon -
they bought the place less than a year ago. Huh.
H/t SombreroGuy and StikSav
At least he's making good money on the sale...
and an additional h/t to "StikSav" who originally posted that on Tarik's blog
I hope we keep Nylander
Did the owner take the namplate on the mailbox? I heard that's a sure sign someone's leaving and not coming back.
While you're on Redfin, take a look at that nice place across from Smokey Quartz Ln on River Rd, you know, the one with the helipad. Make sure you say hi to
Danny when you stop by...
Excellent work lads.
+1 to b.orr4
I will be pissed if we signed Fed to get rid of Nylander. That just doesn't make sense to me.
Just for the record, it has been suggested to me that this is unrelated to Nylander moving on and that they may be looking at another property in the area. I still think its fishy, as it is hard to look for property in DC when you are in Sweden. On the other hand it is possible they are just putting it on the market to see if it sells and then find a new place. All reasonable explanations. At the very least I find it extremely ironic that it was placed on the market 5 days after Fedorov signed.
Proving he has a sense of humor, GMGM should complete the circle and trade Nyls to Edmonton.
Hooks, Nyls has an NMC [or two, if you count his wife ; ) ], so that might not fly. Unless she's had a change of heart, which would be quite hilarious.
Count me as one of those not looking to move him, though. We still need that strong Swedish mentor for Backis (and maybe AnGus if we can afford to keep him that fourth year?), we still need a 2nd line center (Feds is a poor substitute even for a year, and then there's nothing for the next year+ until someone else is ready), and we need the depth and production.
*gasp* You posted about a Capital's real estate listing?!? For shame! Er, wait a sec... never mind. ;-)
I hope that Nyls sticks in DC for the next three years -- it's great to have Fedorov in town, but that's only for a year. Salary cap decisions are looming, sure; but to see Nylander "return" be so abbreviated would be a shame, particularly since a healthy Nyls likely has a lot left to offer.
So JP, you gonna take the tour, perhaps bring a camera? I'm sure Steinberg would be psyched to see some of those pis.
Wow, JP. You must really be raking in the ad revenue.....
Then again, maybe Mrs. Nyls has another one in the oven and they're just looking for more room. Seriously, I don't see Michael going anywhere. The key to winning a cup is depth down the middle and right now the Caps are as strong in that area as any team in the league. And Nylander has something to prove after last season. My money says he isn't going anywhere except to maybe a bigger house in Potomac.
Penguins go home.
I'm dying to know why you sell a brand spanking new $3m home 10 months after moving into it. Trouble on the home front?
The commute from MontCo to Ballston? I'm a city guy so any substantial commute seems painful, but that one seems especially painful.
@ Tyler: It certainly can be (I apparently live but three short miles from the Nylanders), especially given that I-66 is HOV-only during rush hour. Hopefully he's just moving closer to Ballston.
As I recall, Nyls and his wife liked Potomac because there was a really good school for their ;arge brood - so to sell and move to NoVa is unlikely, IMO.
I doubt Nyls is worried about job security - being deep up the middle is an awesome advantage and he knows it. Problem is, who we gonna waive/trade/buyout to get under the cap?
Interesting. I've been waiting for you to do a post on what you think the Caps are going to do in order to get under the . . . Cap.
On another note, it always trips me out to see people link to Redfin. My brother started that company a few years ago in Seattle.
Nylander is more important to this team than Fedorov. Point per game average while playing with one shoulder(40 games, 37 points, on the second line without Ovechkin) is far more needed on a team that struggles with secondary scoring than Fedorov's clubhouse leadership and his 46 points in 68 games. It's my opinion.
The fact of the matter is that without both of them next season, I do not see this team going very far. Having three great centers means your team is going to be good. Fedorov, like it or not, at this stage is a tweener between the second and third lines. We put him on the second so he can sit with Sasha Semin and tell him what to do, and that's the only reason.
Ugh. I hate this situation.
Speaking of situations, is anyone else slightly worried about the Russia/Georgia situation given the sheer number of Russians on our team, and the sheer arrogance of the Ambassador?
Shaggy--solving the salary cap conundrum, to me, is simple: Alzner starts the year in Hershey. Love the upside, and we all want to see the second coming of Scott Stevens, but the fact is Karl is 19 and hasn't proven that he can even hang with the Bears yet.
Re: Nyls, it's hard to believe that GMGM is even contemplating moving him after going through all those motions with EDM. It's also hard to understand why the suggestion persists (not here, necessarily) that he should get dumped in a salary cap move. If he stays healthy this year, it's a huge benefit for the Caps--the guy is an excellent center who makes everyone around him better.
pure M-U-C-K-R-A-K-I-N-G
I live about 4 miles from the Nylanders (anywhere from 1-7 miles from you)! I did not know there was so much hockey the hood.
I will have to take the kids trick or treating there this Halloween, if he is still with the Caps that is....
While this is about as far from muckraking as you can get (it is simply disclosing publicly available information), methinks Japers would be in good company if he was a muckraker...
as stiksav noted, houses for sale and the people (or sometimes corporations) that buy them are public record. You can even find out how much your neighbors paid for their houses by punching in the addresses in an online government run database.
I was under the impression that in some states, housing sales prices and buyers are not public record
please post that database URL when ya get the chance-thx!
I just talked to his agent. He's looking at a cool house she had found for Crystobal in Georgetown. And , as we know, Crystobal doesn't need it anymore....
I sure hope Michael will be able to use it! I was ready to buy season tickets but sure hope there is no change in the wind. He was our 2nd highest PPG guy last year. And SO fun to watch.
Bigonetimer - Maybe its just Maryland? Its all part of the the state department of taxation and a link to the search is here
Thanks, SG and Stik, but you guys missed the compliment - my muck is pure!
You can also search by name when utilizing the Property Values tool on Washingtonpost.com.
That matches the story I heard, though that story came to me after I initially been told it was a 100% false rumor. So again, its all a fishy sounding situation. And I doubt the real estate agent would make any public comments saying anything else. Could be true, no doubt, as I've said above. But it could be a screen as well. Time will tell.
Who cares? If Nyls gers traded, Gabby can suit up and become a player coach ---- Gotcha -Just kidding...and yes housing sales are matters of public record.
Yes, let's drop the subject.
But, just in case GMGM does that, let's start a "fire GM" chant like the "fire Hanlon" chant from last year.
Well, that is, if we even go to the games. I may boycott.
I think that is a great idea. I suggest you start your boycott today.
To echo the others... pretty dumb move if the Caps are trying to run Michael out of town for freaking Federov.
"Everyone" also said it was completely stupid when McPhee traded Bondra to Ottawa for some unknown prospect name Laich. Bondra went on to do absolutely nothing the rest of his career, Laich is now blossoming into a solid 2nd line winger with scoring potential and brings a whole lot of flexibility to the lineup.
Now I understand this is a different situation, but the point is McPhee is going to do what he and the organization feels is best for the team. And that might even be keeping Nylander (and the house sale means nothing). But for people to be so dismissive ("oh God, he CAN'T trade Nylander") is just simply speaking with blinders on and not the way good managers manage their team.
Finally, I don't think anyone is saying McPhee is trying to run Nylander out of town for Fedorov, I believe folks, who are reasonably discussing the idea, are saying McPhee could be looking at the impact that Nylander's salary carries against the team over the next few years. Could the signing of Fedorov make it easier to look to deal Nylander? Sure, I guess it could. Does that mean they'd deal Nylander without getting anything in return? I doubt it. This could all be much ado about nothing anyway, but it makes for something to talk about in August...
On a related note, my builder has a contract pending on his most recent build with Monsieur Theodore. If and when it goes through, I will update. It is in North Arlington, not far from Ovie and Gordon.
How about if we trade any players that can really help us win the Cup... we do something that should have been done a long time ago--
Put McPhee's house on the market.
Anon @2PM
That you, Chief? Go back to WaPo where you're actually appreciated.
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