And while that's good news in terms of his cognitive skills and whatnot, it's nearly gut-wrenching to read that a guy who one year ago was among the best-conditioned men in the world was bed-ridden for a week not long ago because he tried to jog a couple of blocks.
It has already been a long road to recovery (or some semblance thereof) for Pothier, but his priorities certainly seem to be in the right place. "I'd be lying if I say (retirement) didn't cross my mind," he said. "I've got a wife and two small boys at home that you want to function for when you're fifty." Amen to that.
Here's to a full recovery for Pothier! I wish him all the best. Sorry for jumping rather quickly to "business", but I wonder what the CBA rules are about invoking the Long-term injury status to free up cap space? Is there a minimum duration?
I'd love to see him back but some things are more important. Lucky for him hockey contracts are guaranteed so his family should be pretty set.
Sounds like he is going to continue fighting reality and try to play. I don't think there is such a thing as a full recovery from this severe of a concussion, unfortunately. Even if he does finally feel well enough, what happens when he gets rocked along the endboards by the next Milan Lucic?
Doesn't sound good for Potsy.
It sounds like Pothier still has a ways to go before he's recovered enough to deal with everyday life. As much as I like Pothier and think he'd be an important player for the Capitals, I'm kind of rooting him to retire. Two major concussions and two minor ones in less than ten years and two young children? Even when you're in the NHL, some things come before hockey.
I hope he gets better, but I agree with you guys, he doesn't sound fit for hockey.
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