More on Alyonka in a minute, but since the "Larionov" jumped out at you, yes, she's the daughter of
As for the 21-year-old Larionov, she's an aspiring singer (here's a single she recorded with her sister and here's their website) who auditioned for American Idol and apparently made it through to Hollywood (whatever that means).
While we have no doubt that Ovechkin's intentions are pure, we can't help but imagine the possibility of a skater two decades from now with Ovechkin's scoring ability and physicality, and Igor Larionov's playmaking skills who can hit every note in Ave Maria.
Your move, Sid - perhaps Mike Bossy has a daughter for you.
Big h/t to Dave77 on the identification.
Gretzky has a hot daughter.
If it is Cindy we are talking about, he might be more interested in Gretzky's son...
Phew. I thought the Ave Maria link was IGOR singing. I was nervous about clicking!!
" . . . with Ovechkin's scoring ability and physicality, and Igor Larionov's playmaking skills who can hit every note in Ave Maria."
You kill me JP. [chuckle] I love you!
Russian Machine out-breeds YOU, tonight.
Apparently she came to DC with him as well! http://photos-b.ak.facebook.com/photos-ak-sf2p/v290/15/124/31200507/n31200507_32767729_7936.jpg
NS the "Russian Machine out-breeds YOU, tonight." is genius!!! had me ROTFL
ok thats the whole link ran out of room....
Yeah, she was at the party last night. Very pretty in person.
what happened to the other blonde Alex was holding in his arms back in December/January?
They're apparently no longer together (maybe this was even more spot on than we thought).
"It's Good to be OV!"
Ovie wins. Definitely a looker. Good for him and her.
I hate her.
So he has two idols growing up, he gets to play with one of them this year, and now he's dating the other ones daughter, very well played Alex.
Yes, good for him! they make a cute couple.
Regarding Igor Larionovs daughter.....Alex, WATCH YOUR WALLET! shes a gold digger!
hey, Larionov is not a "former" hockey legend... He's still a hockey legend and will always be a hockey legend. He is a former player, but not a former legend. There is a difference. He didn't fall from grace in the World of hockey.
You're absolutely right. That's what happens when I don't carefully proof (it had read "former Red Wing..." then I changed it to "hockey legend"... probably should just scrap it all for "Hall of Famer," eh?).
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