I have yet to receive confirmation as to whether or not Jaromir Jagr was one of the above-referenced trannies, but in case you're wondering what that would look like...March 20, 2007 -- Lindsay Lohan continued her New York party over the weekend.
On Saturday night, she and her pals, deejay Samantha Ronson and p.r. powerhouse
Lisette Sand-Freeman, hit the Beatrice Inn before going to The Box at 1 a.m. - where Lohan got up on the stage and sang while doing a "stripper dance" to thunderous applause. She got off easy - after her, New York Ranger Brendan Shanahan was blindfolded and ball-gagged as trannies danced around him.

It's so creepy...yet I can't stop looking at it...
Some things seen are never unseen.
I like how #15 is checking out the junk in Jagirl's trunk.
reminds me of brooke shields
Is there a word for the opposite of "bootylicious"?
Way back when Jagr was a Pen, we at washcaps.com used this lovely pic as part of a front page poll/game day preview prior to a late season Caps/Pens match. The outcry from the Pens fans and media was stunning (almost but not quite as much as when we included the viddy clip of Bobby Gould's beatdown on Mario in a Pens-Caps gameday preview). One of my proudest moments ever came a year or so later, the day Jagr was introduced to the media after being acquired by Washington. After the press conference, we broke into one-on-ones. I introduced myself and before I could finish, he said, "Hey, you the guy who put that picture of me in a dress on the internet." Yes, I am.
Whoops. Didn't mean to be anonymous in the prior comment.
Ha - yeah, you definitely want to take credit on that one.
We Sabres fans are now truly appreciating this alter ego of Yammy!! Funny thing is, he's playing like a girl now too!! GO SABRES!!
Yeah, how you liking that President's Trophy there, SlugThug?
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