Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Boudreau Relieved Of Duties

"[N]ew Flint Generals coach Bobby Reynolds began reshaping the roster this afternoon, when he released rookie forward Ben Boudreau[.]

"In 13 games, Boudreau had one goal, one assist, six penalty minutes and a minus-13 rating. Boudreau is the son of Washington Capitals coach Bruce Boudreau." [Link]


Reed-CK said...

You sneaky fox you!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks for scaring the living crap out of me.

Anonymous said...

Cruel, JP! This is as bad as a message I saw in the pre-season entitled "Fedorov is done" when refering to Fedor Fedorov.


Its April 1st alreday?

Anonymous said...

If this were a message board, you'd be banned.

JP said...

I figured everyone could use a little post-lunchy wake-up call.

And if this was a message board, the comments would be 80% stupider.

Anonymous said...


So where does Ben go now?

Anonymous said...

Please excuse me while I kickstart my heart...wait...ok there we go. Sad for Mini-B!

Anonymous said...

It was not nice to scare the living daylights out of us like that. What does this mean for Bruce's son?

keydet said...

The first think out of my mouth when I read that was "holy sh%&!"

You're going to give someone a heart attack with that headline...

DMG said...

And if this was a message board, the comments would be 80% stupider.

You give message boards too much credit.

Anonymous said...

i hate you. I definitely did a double take.

Anonymous said...

Well, that was mean! Way to give me a mid-day stroke, man.

Anonymous said...

dude. not cool.

Anonymous said...

I still feel a little sick.

NS said...

i hate you a little bit right now

Anonymous said...

Unkind, man. Only on April 1st should such miserable attempts at humor be tolerated!

Anonymous said...

You turd.

Anonymous said...

Holy shit! I just sprouted eighty new grey hairs. Thanks loads JP. You scamp.

Anonymous said...


Sick, but hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't this also be tagged under "J.P. acts like a 12-year-old"?

Because that "Green Signs" post from last summer is one of my all-time favorite posts here. I laughed. Long and loud.

JP said...

Nice call, Mursh.

Anonymous said...

JP, yes indeed, you've hatched another dandy. Be proud of yourself; this is perhaps your finest piece of journalism.

Anonymous said...

"And if this was a message board, the comments would be 80% stupider."

I heard a rumor we were going to trade Nylander.

Hazardous said...

HAHAHA. Very nice.

Anonymous said...

AGH! That was almost as bad as 'Green Signs', when you were refering to JOSH Green!