Buried in
Wednesday's Roundup was the sad story of a Bruins rookie whose
name was misspelled on his jersey in a B's preseason game. Now comes another example demonstrating that NHL equipment managers, like players, need some time to get into mid-season form, as last night the Carolina Hurricanes had a goof on the nameplate of their tough guy defenseman (who decided to throw a trio of punches at
Chris Clark after the linesmen had stepped in to separate the pair and received
two other roughing minors in similarly cowardly instances). Luckily, we've got a picture of how his sweater is supposed to read:
Note: Post edited for better punchline.
Hahahaha. XD
I'm going back to work now.
The link is no longer functional, but I found this about Conboy:
Former St. Cloud State defensemen Tim Conboy could face criminal charges following an incident in a summer league game July 11 at Centennial Ice Arena in Circle Pines, according to U.S. College Hockey Online. Conboy allegedly hopped the boards and took down an opposing player from behind, slamming Tim Manthey's head into the ice. Manthey, who plays for the Minnesota Blizzard of the North American Hockey League, went into convulsions and was taken off the ice on a stretcher. Conboy, who signed a professional contract with San Jose last spring, was released after his sophomore season for a violation of team rules.
The heir apparent to Todd Bertuzzi?
Sure it shouldn't have said:
I still have never forgotten a couple years ago when Tim Gleason tried to take out Ovie's knee
Damn you Japer, you stole my idea. But I would have put in "Congirl" or even "Conprostitute" since it seems he gets paid per blow. Oh was that too low?
"Clownboy" is still available...
yeah that was some BS with him taking swings at Clark.
wow you guys sure do cry alot
I don't seem to remember Gleason or anyone else trying to take out Ovenchickens knee... Are you sure that your beloved Ovenchicken wasn't testing out his acting...
it's just too bad that Gillies and Donald Bitchsheer didn't get a chance to go...
@anonymous 1 & 2
I've seen the "ovechchicken" reference with a name attached on DeCock's blog. Is this sentiment a whole NC thing or just the opinion of one sad fan who's team has lost Southeast hegemony? I think the chicken moniker was the result of Alex laying waste to the Canes in last couple of weeks of the season as the fans were crying about a Bettman conspiracy to get the Caps into the post-season. Silly lurker, you're team choked. As Caps fans, we're not immune to this.
BTW...Does this opinion of Ovechkin change the facts around Conboy's assault charge? Here's a nice piece about a past suspension for drugs. http://www.insidecollegehockey.com/7Archives/Notebooks/0405/wcha_0303.htm
Here's a "gutless" (not my word) fight on youTube with he and another River Rat teaming up to pound a Phantom. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frwBZUq_L7g.
I guess this is the type of prospect that Cane fans can expect in the next couple of years. Whereas, the Caps "B" squad smoked the home ice Canes squad on Wednesday. Ooh, that's gotta hurt.
Get a life , yall are wasting your time coming up with silly nicknames. Instead, why dont u come up with a way for the Caps to actually win a single cup in the 35 years the team has been around. What a bunch of crying losers. Caps are a sorry team to represent our nations capitol. Check out canescountry for real hockey info, Japer is a clown!
Canes trolls... must be a bye week for NASCAR.
For the record, the name Ovenchicken was coined by Pittburgh fans, and it was actually a term of endearment, a gentle joke, dating from the time before the lottery when they assumed their team would be drafting him. Kind of said that Canes fans can't even come up with their own disparaging nicknames.
you can't forget that the true technical name of the team should be the Carolina Tropical Storms...
plus - your soul in the form of cole is gone now, you lifeless zombie team.
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