Kudos to the NHL Network for
a wrong by
giving Tuvan Hillbilly credit (warning: will launch NHLN's goofy media player) for unearthing and translating the
Alex Ovechkin "temple of poetry" video, and for delivering the news via our favorite messenger...
Vintage Buffalo t-shirt FTW!
I'm thinking there are few things better than a thank you from Carrie Milbank.
Really? Because I'm thinking there are few thing worse ;) And in a Buffalo shirt no less. Ouch and ouch.
But good for NHL Network for finally fixing that!
The Buffalo logo never looked so sexy. Damn.
Exactly, what's the deal with the Loserville Shirt?
I'm going with CapsChick on this one. I really don't understand this obsession with Carie Milbank. As for the shirt, sports and fashion rarely go together.
Wasn't there a Curb Your Enthusiasm episode about that?
If women can explain why Michael Phelps is hot (Minus the obvious success), men can explain why Carrie Milbank is hot.
Uhhh, here is the deal with Milbank:
1) Japer is a dude
2) Milbank is hot
Enough said.
I can't seem to focus on the shirt.
This is what I think: Carrie Milbank - Host Reel
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