Your top ten most-read posts for April:
1. Caps/Flyers: A History Of Carnage And Mayhem
2. 2 Girls, 1 Cup (filthy, filthy people)
3. Japers' Rink Blogroll
4. Malkin: Ovechkin Is The Best Player In The NHL
5. Note To Mike Wise
6. Obama/Oshie '08?
7. Game 4: Caps @ Flyers
8. Tuesday Roundup/Gamenight: 'Canes @ Caps
9. With Each Goal, A Milestone
10. ... And Then There Was Golf
JP, I don't know if the younger set realizes what a godsend sites like yours really are. Back in the 80's and even the 90's, when the Caps folded their tents in April that was it for hockey in DC for six long months. The Post never wrote another word about the sport until late September, sports radio hardly existed and, if they did, they never uttered a syllable about the playoffs and the internet was just a twinkle in Al Gore's eye. For hockey lovers, the off-season was like going into solitary confinement without the bad food. Now we've got more blogs than I have time to read (you're still first every morning, JP), XM Radio, the NHL Network, Center Ice, the weekly Caps Report, message boards, etc, etc, etc. We are truly in the golden age of hockey talk. So while I still wish the Caps were playing; sites like the Rink, OFB and all the others not only make the time between seasons passable, it's actually downright enjoyable. So congratulations on a hell of a year and on to an even better one next season.
There is serious, intuitive, and entertaining hockey writing - then there's Japers Rink. ;)
Well said, b.orr4. I still remember the boards' getting up to speed during the Cup run. We won't soon forget how Lupul's little flick of the wrist (on a gift of a puck lying by the net) ended our euphoria. The party was over waaayyyy to soon.
You're too kind.
It was that very same hunger for more/different coverage that got me into this whole bloggin' thing in the first place (not that I fancied my opinion as the gospel from on high or anything), but it's the conversational atmosphere and community that has developed that keep it worthwhile. Not to get too philosophical, but I don't have all that much to say, but we do.
I find it amusing that the "2 girls, 1 cup" post is among the most frequently viewed pages every month.
I find it amusing that it's somehow not #1 every month.
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