Given the amount of salt with which you'll have to take the following, I don't advise it for those with high blood pressure. That said, there's an interview with
Alex Semin floating around the Intertubes - translated from Russian to English by an HFBoards poster - that, at the very least, makes for an interesting read (for example, Sasha on booze: "Alcohol won't kill you, I think." Or Sasha on what his mother does: "Not much, to be honest.... Cooks, does laundry, cleans."). Less interesting? The "sky-is-falling" discussion that follows the interview, which can be found
H/t to pga3 on the link
I probably had the same reaction as most Americans who assume every person from other countries should believe what they see in the US is better than what they left. On second and third thoughts of the matter, perhaps this is really a good civic lesson for me.
Hehe... Semin is one cool cat. A lot of the Caps fan immediately want's to ship him off. We'll take him!
Well it's not like he's coming from Siberia. Oh, wait - he is coming from Siberia.
It's all about the language barrier, I think. Sure, he's an introverted kid anyway, but his lack of ability (and apparently desire) to speak the language exacerbates that. As he gets more comfortable with English, he'll get more comfortable with the good ol' U.S. of A.
That said, home is home, and everyone's going to miss theirs when they're literally half a world away.
And from all accounts it's not like he's the most mature guy anyway. Jason LaCanfora has stories.
I really don't want to see Semin go anywhere. So he's a little shy and hasn't taken to English very well. He gets along great with his teammates (except Brian Muir but that's been solved). I loved watching the pregame warm ups at Verizon. Brashear and Semin were always roughhousing with each other. It was really funny to watch.
And how old was the now-23-year-old Semin when Cantreporta was covering him?
Everyone's got stories about everyone. Expecting a young man of that age, that far from home in a totally foreign culture to behave as we'd all like him to is a little harsh - there's really only one Alex Ovechkin.
not sure why people would be put off by this interview. His home is Russia, thats what he is used to and likes. Good for him.
that interview actually makes me like Semin more.
love that part where him and Ovechkin doing donuts in the parking lot lol
Not everybody has an ability to learn a second language. I've tried for years to learn Italian and French, yet I never seem to get beyond the basics. My wife started at the same time and is now fluent in both. I can fully appreciate how difficult it must be to be young and in a foreign country and not be able to communicate beyond the basic level. And if you throw in being shy on top of that, it only makes matters worse. I say give the kid a break. He'll be fine.
It's just Sasha being Sasha. (Hey, it works for Sox fans.)
Great interview. It certainly gives you some insight into Semin, who most fans dont know a whole lot about. He might have said some dumb things, but he is young and from a completely different culture. Honestly, I dont care too much about what he does off the ice, as long as he produces on the ice.
Can't really say I care about what he says or doesn't say....I really like his puck handling skills, his wicked wrist shot, and overall game very much.
Is this team (or game, for that matter) about playing hockey, or is it about any other social aspects?
I'd prefer hockey...and I'd rather have a team filled with skilled players that win, than a bunch of losers who are all best friends. I do understand this is very much a team game - but I'd prefer to trade the pessimistic fans, than Semin.
I moved here 7 years ago, and I speak english, I still got a culture shock.
I don't find anything that particularly worrisome in the interview. The english thing it will come. I took German for 6 years in school (mandatory language subjects) and hardly picked up a lick of it, but spent 3 months in Germany, and was a lot quicker learning.
Give him an english speaking room mate on the road, ala ovey/willsie in his rookie year, and the kid will be fine
i dont understand why people are over reacting to the point where they think he should be traded or that he cant be a good teammate based simply on this interview. i agree with what ns said, i almost like him more now because i have a better understanding of where he is coming from. not to mention, many of his comments, including those about the world championships, were very pc ( even though hes just watching his a$$).
Japers' Rink - come for the info. Stay for the sanity.
I agree with those maintaining an even keel. Semin is a jaw-dropping talent and worth the price of admission most every night. So long as Ovie is in DC, he'll be fine and reasonably happy.
I too appreciated his candor in the interview, but more importantly appreciated his audience for the interview. Savvy and, as mentioned, candid responses.
On the ice he's come to be one of my favorite Caps. Perhaps this season I'll celebrate a few of his goals by ordering a whiskey, neat, with a chaser of apple juice. Or just ask for a "Semin!"
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