In the brief, Sather refers to Avery as "a reasonably effective player as well as a detriment to the team."
Hyperbole? Sure. Though Avery certainly is prone to taking bad penalties, for a guy who had 20 points in 29 games for the Rangers and draws a ton of penalties as well, that's a bit of a slap in the face and a good example of how feelings can get hurt in what can be an ugly arbitration process.
So after the arbiter decides on terms and the two sides sign a new deal, Avery's supposed to forget the insult, put on his happy face and play his usual ultra-annoying brand of hockey?
You bet he is.
Here's a question: would any of you have a problem with your boss disparaging you semi-publicly and then paying you around $2 million for the next 10 months or so of work? I didn't think so.
Still, it was a silly thing to say. It seemed like everyone in NY liked him (in the LR). What was Sather talking about?
1) Millions of dollars may be a great salve to take employer abuse for the 'average Joe', but professional athletes usually have an inflated ego and don't enjoy criticism
2) You can bet Avery will NOT forget that slight by Sather. Not a big fan of Avery, but its undeniable that the Rangers were a far better team upon his arrival last year
I think Slats was talking about the Avery that showed up at the beginning of that Sabres series.
Granted I would have qualified my language a bit with "who can, at times, be a detriment..." or something, but without question it's a line that's going to stick around for a while.
Sather needs to paint him as some sort of detriment if he wants to keep him affordable.
The Rags are already pushing the cap limit with Hossa and Avery to sign.
Everyone knows he was a key to the rags play at the end of the season, but Sather can't just go in and say "he was great, but we can't afford to pay him what he wants"
Look at the earnings of some of his comparables he will use, and I'm surprised Sather didn't go even harder on him. I can see Avery getting a $3 + million award, because he can argue the intangibles like drawing penalties and such, as well as putting up decent numbers.
i would mind, if i could make the same exact money if not more working for another boss. but if that didnt work out i think i could suck it up, still wouldnt like him though, but at least his coach didnt say it, that would be a little more awkward
I didn't know Sean Avery HAD any feelings!
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