Thursday, May 03, 2007

The Next Next One

On the plus side, by the time the Pens somehow draft this kid, Sid will be a Canadien.

Ed. Note/Gratuitous Hottie Alert: John Tavares is not (as far as I know) related to this beauty.


Anonymous said...

so we want the caps to suck not this upcoming year but the year after? easy enough

JP said...

The alternative text for this post was "Dear Lord, please don't let the Caps be in a position to draft this kid."

Anonymous said...

"On the plus side, by the time the Pens somehow draft this kid, Sid will be a Canadien."

Perhaps you should devote your wishful thinking to winning more than a playoff series a decade??

JP said...

Eh, I've got more than enough wishful thinking to go around. Thanks, though.