Tuesday, June 20, 2006

This Is What It's All About

Sifting through the blogosphere's myriad of recaps on last night's game, the playoffs and the season, I came across a comment in Off Wing's roundup that puts it all in perspective (and in a touching Hallmark moment, to boot):

A great game 7. I have to admit getting a bit choked up during the post-game. My 4-year-old son asked question after question, and I tried to answer straightforward and honest.

"Why is he doing that?" (seeing an Edmonton player hanging their forehead down on the boards in front of the bench).

"Because he's sad. He tried his best, but he lost."

"What are they doing now?"

"They're shaking hands. They do that after every playoff, to show that they're still friends, even though one team won, and one team lost. It's called good sportsmanship."

"I want to have good sportsmanship."

"I know you do."

"I want that trophy, too."

"Me too, son."

Now I'm a little verklempt. Congrats to the 'Canes and their fans, the Oilers and theirs and really to hockey fans everywhere. What a season.

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